Resources For Researchers and Clinicians h1 >

Mitochondrial Medicine Society
Founded in 1998 by doctors Richard Haas and Robert Naviaux, the MMS represents an international group of physicians, researchers and clinicians working towards advancing education, research and global collaboration in clinical mitochondrial medicine.
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Mitochondria Research Society
The Mitochondria Research and Medicine Society (MRMS) is a nonprofit international organization of scientists and physicians working together to find a cure for mitochondrial diseases by promoting research on basic science of mitochondria, mitochondrial pathogenesis, prevention, diagnosis and treatment through out the world.
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Neurology Podcast
Dr. Jason Crowell talks with Drs. John LP Thompson and Michio Hirano about their Neurology: Genetics paper on the long journey to diagnosis for patients with mitochondrial disease.
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NIH Mitochondria Interest Group
The Mitochondria Interest Group (MIG) is an Inter-Institute Interest Group at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), with members worldwide. The MIG is concerned with all aspects of mitochondria, from the mitochondrial genome to the nuclear genome and all the proteins involved.
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